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  • Nearly invisible

    VinciSmile aligner is made of totally transparent polymer materials, so people may not even notice you are wearing it.

  • More comfort

    The algorithm of VinciSmile software helps precisely calculate the most appropriate amount of each tooth movement, as compared to traditional brackets and wires which may irritate and cause pain.

  • Removable

    VinciSmile aligner is removable, so you can take it out before clean your teeth, which can apparently decrease the incidence of demineralization and caries.

  • Convenient

    VinciSmile clear aligners need no bands, wires and brackets, consuming less chair time, and the patient can visit the clinic less frequently (once every 8 weeks) compared with traditional treatment.

  • Predictable

    The 3D interface of VinciSmile software can display the whole treatment process and final results, making it easier for the doctors to communicate with the patients.

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